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SmartBlog Theme Blogger Premium V2

SmartBlog Theme Blogger Premium V2

SmartBlog V2 is a smart design multipurpose blogger theme that offers a modern, clean and professional design for bloggers who want to create a high-quality blog or website. The theme is built with the latest web technologies and is fully responsive, meaning it looks great on all devices, from desktops to smartphones.

Built with a combination of modern web development technologies, including Tailwind CSS and Vanilla JS, SmartBlog V2 is highly responsive, fast-loading, and easily customizable. The theme includes a range of customization options, such as a flexible layout, multiple post styles, and several widget areas, allowing users to easily personalize the look and feel of their blog or website.

The SmartBlog V2 theme comes with a range of customization options, allowing users to easily personalize the look and feel of their blog. The theme includes a flexible layout, multiple post styles, and several widget areas, giving users the ability to add different types of content and features to their site.

One of the standout features of the SmartBlog V2 theme is its smart design, which is a design language developed by Google that focuses on simplicity, clarity, and usability. This design language is characterized by a flat design, bold colors, and minimalist elements, which give the theme a modern and stylish feel.

Other features of the SmartBlog V2 theme include support for Google fonts, social media integration, and SEO optimization, which helps bloggers to improve the visibility of their site in search engine results pages.


SmartBlog Theme Blogger
SmartBlog Theme Blogger

The SmartBlog V2 navbar is a customizable navigation bar included in the theme. It offers several features, including the option to choose between no edge style, a border bottom, or a shadow effect, as well as the ability to adjust the thickness of the shadow. The navbar buttons can also be customized with different corner radius values.

Additionally, the search bar included in the navbar can be customized with a maximum width and different corner radius values. Users can also choose to show or hide the search bar on desktop devices. Overall, these customization options allow users to create a personalized and visually appealing navbar for their blog or website.

Navigation Drawer Menu

SmartBlog Theme Blogger
SmartBlog Theme Blogger

The SmartBlog V2 Navbar includes a navigation drawer that can be customized with several features. Users can choose between a modal or dismissable state for the navigation drawer menu on desktop devices. The edge style can also be customized with options for no edge style, a border, or a shadow effect on both desktop and mobile devices.

The thickness of the shadow effect on the edge of the navigation drawer can be adjusted with options for thin, medium, or thick. Users can also choose to enable or disable auto-attributes for the navigation drawer menu items.

In addition, the corner radius of the navigation drawer menu items can be customized, allowing users to create a visually appealing and personalized navigation experience for their blog or website. Overall, these customization options provide users with a high degree of control over the look and feel of the SmartBlog V2 Navbar, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly navigation experience for visitors.

If you are interested in purchasing it, please upgrade your account here and then download the SmartBlog script as you wish.

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